Including Disability
The Including Disability Global Summit
The Including Disability Global Summit is an international forum for dialog and collaboration about large-scale societal, technological, political and other barriers that challenge disabled people. Cross-disability, cross-disciplinary, and cross-national by design, the Summit is a unique event that is held every two years as an online, open access, and free to attend multi-day conference. It brings together researchers, educators, practitioners, advocates, family, and disabled people from across professional, geographic, and disciplinary boundaries. At each Summit – which occur in odd numbered years – new ideas, best practices, inventions, innovations, artistic creations, and advocacy strategies are shared and compared to build new connections and new understandings of the large-scale inequities related to disability and ways to right those inequities.
Including Disability
Including Disability is a peer-reviewed, online, open access journal that provides cross-disciplinary, cross-disability, and cross-sectional examinations of large-scale social, technological, cultural, and legal barriers faced by disabled people and offers innovative approaches to eliminating these barriers. Too often issues of disability are neglected in discussions of diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality. Including Disability uplifts the voices of disabled people and perspectives in considerations of promoting equity and inclusion in employment, education, civic participation, healthcare, commerce, and other vital contexts. It welcomes submissions from researchers, educators, students, advocates, artists, and professionals, from disabled people, family members, allies, and accomplices. Including Disability is written, reviewed, and edited with a commitment to furthering equity, access, inclusion, and justice for disabled people.