University of Maryland


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is on the MIDA leadership team?

Jonathan Lazar, Executive Director
Paul Jaeger, Associate Director of Disability Community Engagement
J Bern Jordan, Associate Director of Tech Industry Engagement
Ana Palla, Associate Director of UMD Engagement
Galina Reitz, Associate Director of Higher Education
Gulnoza Yakubova, Associate Director of K-12 Education

How do I get involved in MIDA if I’m a student?

If you are a student who wants to get involved in the work of MIDA, you should check the list of faculty members and directly contact the faculty member involved in work most related to your interests.

How do I get involved in MIDA if I’m a faculty member?

If you are a faculty member who is interested in getting involved with MIDA, please email MIDA executive director Jonathan Lazar ( ).

Where do I go for services at UMD related to accessibility?

We suggest you check out the website detailing UMD’s accessibility services.

What if I am interested in getting involved with issues related to disability rights and accessibility more broadly at UMD?

We suggest checking out the website for the UMD President’s Commission on Disability Issues

What undergraduate and graduate courses are offered related to digital accessibility?

More courses will be offered soon. Currently, you can take:

  • EDSP 411 Foundations of Technology Integration for Curriculum Access (Fall 2024)
  • HLTH 402 Disability is NOT an Outcome: An Introduction to Understanding Disability
  • INST 402 Designing Patient-Centered Technologies
  • INST 620 Diverse Populations, Inclusion, and Information
  • INST 639L  Practical Skills in HCI: Accessibility Evaluation Workshop (Fall 2024)
  • INST 704  Inclusive Design in HCI (Fall 2024)
  • INST 728: Special Topics: Designing Technology with Older People
  • INST 728: Special Topics: Digital Accessibility Law and Management (Fall 2024)
  • INST 878: Special Topics: Accessible Computer Mediated Communication (Fall 2024)

UMD Disability Studies Minor