University of Maryland

Inclusive and Accessible Health Tracking for the Blind and Low-Vision (BLV) People

Toward creating a healthier future by unlocking equitable health data capture and access for
the blind and low-vision people

This research is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Award 1753452.

Project Team

Eun Kyoung Choe (PI); Jarrett Lee; Kyungyeon Lee; Bongshin Lee; Soyoung Choi; JooYoung Seo

Potential Impact of this project on the lives of people with disabilities

This work aims to highlight the growing population of BLV individuals who currently track or wish to track their Personal Health Data (PHD), their broad scope of interest, and their legitimate needs for such systems. Additionally, by recounting specific barriers reported by this population, we wish to inform system creators on current functionality where they may improve usability, and future areas where they should be mindful of accessibility pitfalls, promoting the equitable use of such systems by all.


  • BLV: Blind and Low-Vision, individuals that self-report having visual impairments.
  • PHD: Personal Health Data, data that measures various aspects of one’s health, including biometrics (e.g., heart rate, weight) and activity (e.g., step count, sleep behavior).


  1. Lee JGW, Lee K, Lee B, Choi S, Seo J, Choe EK. (2023). Personal Health Data Tracking by Blind and Low-Vision People: Survey Study. J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e43917. DOI: 10.2196/43917 PMID: 37140967